Today, 9/6/2024, Mrs. Wallace's business class worked on communicating in a formal setting. None of the students knew what the other students speeches were about and had to guess ...
Hamilton 8th Grader Lucas Taylor arrived empty-handed to the 11-team x-country meet last night at Central Noble, but he left with the 1st Place ribbon (photos courtesy of Brittany...
The Marines (1-1) notched their first win of the season last night with 3 straight blowout games against Westview. Notable stats from the game: Tristen Creager had 9 service poin...
We are excited to welcome Brittany Harrell to Hamilton Community Schools. Before Hamilton, she helped work construction before moving on to Pleasant Lake Elementary last year. Bri...
A warm welcome back to Doyle Houser, new Teacher Assistant and x-country coach. Mr. Houser attended Hamilton back in 1975 and won the NECC tournament meet for x-country. He has a...
Hamilton's class of 2024 achieved a 100% passing rate on the U.S. Naturalization Exam. The State of Indiana requires all students enrolled in Government to take the exam, and for ...
Please join us in celebrating our 2024 Hamilton Community Schools Senior class as they graduate this coming June 7th at 7PM. Members of the public are welcome! Pictured above are ...
This school year will be the last for Mrs.Phyllis Senters, who has been a paraprofessional in our Applied Skills room. Prior to her 10 years with us at Hamilton, Phyllis worked at...
Our beloved office admin, Colleen Karas, is moving on to her next adventure-- travel and fun, we're told-- with her wonderful husband. We extend our appreciation for her 25+ years...
On Wednesday, May 22nd, Seniors Britney Heffern, Alayna Dean, and Jasmine Schiek all hung up their FFA jackets after years of hard work. Their leader, Mrs.McMullen says, "Thank yo...
On Wednesday May 22nd Hamiltons FFA elected new roles for next year. The new roles are filled out by students excited to take on more responsibility. Co-Presidents - Tristen Crea...
Please come out to help us raise money for Leland Lester's memorial, this Sunday May 19th, at the Hamilton Softball field at 2PM. The charity game features a rematch of last year...
The girls traveled to East Noble to compete in their last meet of the year, Sectionals, yesterday, May 15th. Jalynn Hinkley ran a 22.83 in her 100 hurdles . Our freshmen, Pheobe L...
Hamilton's Academic Bowl Science team of Drew Merritt, Caleb McMullen, and Harrison Richter flexed some intellectual might at Purdue University today, May 4th, and brought home 3r...
Last night, the Hamilton FFA chapter hosted their annual banquet dinner at the Life Center. With the school year winding down, the event served as a chance to recognize FFA member...
What should have been a beautiful Senior Night on Tuesday evening quickly turned into a wet, cold track meet for those involved. As a result, Senior Night ceremonies have been mov...
Our Academic Team competed at Fremont this past Tuesday, April 16th. The competition included English, Science, Math, Fine Arts, and Social Studies. The science team of Caleb McMu...
Track Team Resurgence! Come one, come all! This Saturday's Marine Invitational (10AM, here at HCS) will be the first in nearly two decades in which the Hamilton Men's Track and Fi...
Hamilton students have been getting in touch with their artistic abilities. In the grand entrance of our great academic institution, now hangs artwork that would make Van Gogh je...
Hamilton High School's annual Winter Sports Banquet took place last night, March 4th, honoring each and every high school winter athlete in their relentless pursuit of athletic ex...